Thursday, August 16, 2012

18 Months

Camdyn Breeze is 18 months!!  She turned 18 months on August 4th but she just had her 18 month well check yesterday. 

Camdyn is running everywhere, she loves to chase her sister and to always be playing.  Her favorite game is duck duck goose and she is so super cute when she says duck.  She doesn't quite get that only one person is supposed to do the chasing and she gets up to run around the circle each time and oh boy is she cute!!  Camdyn is getting pretty good at hide and seek too.  She loves to count with Tatum and she is oh so good at finding the hiders.  Now we just have to work on her being a little bit quieter when she is hiding, right now she likes to laugh and giggle while she is hiding.  She is good at doing the shhh sign though :)

Camdyn eats mostly everything that we give her.  But her favorites are definitely maccaroni and cheese and anything that is dessert.  You know, cookies, brownies, ice cream.  Yeah she is definitely my daughter!!  Thank goodness she loves fruit and will also eat her vegetables. 

Camdyn is doing great at school and has so much fun with her friends.  She likes to keep the classroom organized and gets mad at her friends when they try to get her toys out of place.  Think she gets that from Tatum for sure!!

She has spent the last week being sick.  It started on Saturday when she woke up from her nap.  We were over at Uncle Adam and Aunt Lindsey's swimming and having fun and we layed Camdyn down for her nap.  She didn't sleep very long before she woke up crying and Uncle Adam went in to get her.  As soon as we held her we knew something was wrong.  She was on fire and sort of shaking.  We took her temp and it was 104.  Right away her Daddy went to get some medicine and we covered her in a damp towel.  She fell back asleep and seemed to be doing better.  Throughout the weekend her temp was up and down.  Sunday night she didn't sleep much and still had a fever so Monday I took her to the doctor.  At the doc her temp was 103.4, poor girl.  She of course had an ear infection.  The tube in her left ear is almost all the way out and has turned and is blocking her ear canal and the infection is behind that.  Since Camdyn had such a high fever the doc thought there was something else going on as well.  So she got an antibiotic shot that was not fun for either of us.  Monday night was miserable.  Poor Camdyn was not doing well.  She screamed basically from midnight until the sun came up.  She would scream for 20 minutes, then fall asleep for 2-5 minutes and that was our whole night.  We were all exhausted come Tuesday morning and weren't quite sure what to do.  She seemed to be a bit better Tuesday and did finally eat a little bit.  About 10:30 she was SO tired and I layed her down.  She took a 5 hour nap!!!!  Goodness did she need it!!  She woke up seeming like she felt better and ate a whole meal.  So glad our babe was back to feeling better!!

Wednesday the girls went back to school and had good days.  Camdyn went back in to the doctor for her 18 month well check (and to check up on her ears).  Camdyn does not like the doctor at all.  She starts crying the minute they weigh her and take her temp.  She is not a fan.  Hopefully she will start to feel more comfortable there as she gets older. 

Camdyn is 26.15 pounds (82%) and 32 inches (57%).  She looks great and seems to be doing most of the things she should be doing.  She is walking and running well, can feed herself with utensils and understands most everything we ask or tell her.  She isn't quite saying as many words as she should be able to say at this point, but we just need to keep working with her.  That has to do with all of the ear troubles she has had.  We will just keep making a point to repeat words to her and have her say them back.  If she is not saying about 40 words by the time she is 2 then we will go from there and do what we need to do.  But for now she is fine.

And super exciting news.... Camdyn went potty on the potty this morning!!  We are so proud of her!!  We bought her a new Princess seat for the potty in the girls bathroom this weekend hoping that we could start getting her familiarized with the potty.  She has sat on it a few times but hasn't wanted to do much.  This morning she woke up with a dry diaper so her Daddy took her straight to the potty.  He said she sat there for a minute and then went potty and got the biggest smile on her face.  I am sure Tatum and Daddy had lots of excitement for her!!  So proud of our little girl, hopefully she can keep it up!!

We love our beautiful Camdyn Breeze and cannot believe she is already 18 months old. She is a total ball of happiness and makes us smile all day long!!

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