Summer is still going strong, its still hot and we are still busy. Seems like we are always busy with something or other, but that is how we like it!! Pink eye has made it way around our house, not fun at all. First Tatum got it, then Camdyn and now me. Matt is next in line but hopefully he can stay contamination free and not catch it, doesn't seem likely though as awful as pink eye is. But other than goopy eyes all is good in the Kahler house.
We have been trying to get outside a little bit everyday even though it is hot. We wait until after dinner when it is down to like 105 degrees and go out for a little while. Lately we have been playing with bubbles, the girls are really into blowing the bubbles and chasing them down. So fun!! The girls have also been working on their chalk artistry on our back patio. Messy and awesome!!
Summer Fun |
Bubbles |
Camdyn is working on her jumping skills. She is absolutely adorable when we ask her to jump. She can't quite get her feet off the ground at the same time, but has a little hop step thing going on and we love watching her do it!!
The Olympics are in full swing and we are loving it. We have all been staying up way too late watching them every night. I try to stay off the internet all day, which is super tough to do, so the results won't be spoiled for me by the world of social media. We turn the Olympics on each night and cheer on the U.S.A!! I know it isn't live, but my heart races fast and I get all pumped up anyway. I cry when people win, I cry when people don't win, I cry when they do the personal stories, I cry when the show the athletes families, basically just a whole lot of crying. It is so amazing to me what these athletes do and how inspiring they are. I just wonder how you make that switch from every day kid to athelete training for the Olympics!?
Since we have been watching the Olympics, Tatum of course has decided that she REALLY wants to do gymnastics. She keeps asking me everyday; 'Mom, do I get to start gymnastics today?'. She is so cute. I told her that maybe next year she can give gymnastics a try. I don't think I want to enroll her with the thousands of other kids who want to be Olympians right now. We will maybe enroll her on a non-olympic year....
Camdyn turned 18 months old on Saturday and has her check up next week. It will be fun to see how she has grown in the last few months. Hoping this will be a good appointment for her and we will be able to leave with the Doc telling us she is healthy. Think good healthy thoughts!!
One more quick thing... Tatum works really hard at being a good sister. Sometimes it is a bit tough I am sure since Camdyn doesn't always want to share and be a good sister back. But Tatum is usually so patient with Camdyn and always wants to help her. When Camdyn cries Tatum always says, Camdyn here I am, I can make you happy. The other day Camdyn was crying and Tatum went over to her grabbed her hand and said, "Don't cry Camdyn I am right here and I will always be here for you." My girls sure are lucky to have each other!!