Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What a Weekend....

We had a really great weekend in the Kahler house.  We got to have lots of time just hanging out at home so that was nice for a change. 

Friday Matt played golf, lots and lots of golf.  He was in a tournament for work which he had fun at and after the tournament there was a little lunch for them.  While they were eating they decided that they did not want to go back to work so they better go play some more golf instead.  So they drove over to the Arizona Grand and played another round there.  It was dark by the time he got home and he was tired, but he had a great time!!  We spent Friday night at home.  It was so nice being home and just having some family time together. 

Big news from Friday..... Camdyn crawled!!!!!!  It was so exciting for all of us.  She is so cute doing her little crawl, we are so very proud of her!!  And her second tooth popped through!!  It is the bottom one right next to the one she already has.  It is barely through but it is there.  :)

Saturday morning Camdyn decided to wake up at 5 and not go back to sleep so she and I went downstairs to do some scrapbooking.  I decided this weekend I would get COMPLETELY caught up on my scrapbooking so guess Camdyn knew that and figured an early start would be good :).  Since Camdyn started crawling just the night before and really moving great it was a little tougher to do scrapbooking with her, but very fun to have a little helper.   Matt got up and went over to shovel rock at Adam's.  And the girls and I went to a baby shower for Kyndra Anderson, whom I think of like a sister.  It was so great seeing the Ence family, I love them so much!!!!  The girls were adorable in matching outfits.  It is getting harder and harder to get pictures of them together since Camdyn is on the move now and Tatum is not always in the modeling mood :).  We then went over to the Veeh's to watch another ASU win!!

Saturday evening we decided to do some yard work.  Matt took out 2 bushes in our front yard and cut another one way down.  The yard looks so awesome without the super weird plants that were in there before.  And we got our outside Halloween lights and decorations all set.  Lots of pumpkin orange!!  By the time we went out for a quick dinner both girls were exhausted and fell asleep at the table.  So Matt and I had a romantic dinner with our girls sleeping in our laps.  So fun!!

The night ended with taking Camdyn to the emergency room.  When we were leaving dinner we noticed she had blood coming out of her ear.  Right before we left for dinner I had set her down and she was very mad that I did that and she pitched herself back and hit her head.  So we were super concerned about the blood.  So we called Adam and Lindsey and thank goodness they were home and we dropped Tatum off with them and then we were off to Cardons ER.  We weren't big fans of the doc there, but....  He said there didn't seem to be any head or brain damage and it is "probably" just ear drainage.  But there was so much gunk and blood in her ear he couldn't see back there but he "thinks" she has an ear infection.  There was just too many thinks and probably's in what he was telling us and he didn't answer our direct questions.  Anyway..... He gave us an antibiotic for her "ear infection" and have been giving it to her.  I called Dr. McKenna's office (ENT doc) yesterday and she has an appointment there this morning.  Matt and Tatum are taking her and I am at work.  I do not like not being there, but I know Matt and Tatum will give me a full report!!!!

Sunday we had a good football day.  Me and the girls got the scrapbooking ALL CAUGHT UP!!!!  I was super excited to have everything up to date.  And we ended the weekend with dinner at Matt's parents hosue with the family watching the Packers Win!!  GO PACK GO!!

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