Camdyn Breeze turned 8 months yesterday, Tuesday October 4th. Cannot believe she is getting so big and is getting so close to 12 months!! She is still working on the whole concept of crawling, she hasn't gotten it yet but as I have been saying she is close, so we just keep waiting!! She has started to try and pull herself up to standing. She is pretty darn close with doing this as well. We got the baby gates and are ready for her to be on the move!!
Tatum is such an adorable and great big sister. She is always caring so much about Camdyn and being so great with her. It is so wonderful to watch them together everyday. Tatum is becoming even more polite. Everything is can I please do this or can I please have that. Even silly things, like if she wants to come upstairs with us she will say, "Can I please come upstairs with you Mommy", instead of just coming along. She is so sweet. Sharing is something she is also a pro at. She always makes sure Camdyn has the same amount of toys she does. (Don't let this fool you though, Tatum can throw tantrums better than anyone I know, haha)
Yesterday I took both of the girls to get their flu shots. We went into the doctors office and both girls were as happy as can be. Recently we have just been taking Camdyn to a lot of doctors appointments so Tatum didn't know she would have anything to do with the visit. I told them they were getting some flu medicine so they don't get sick. Tatum seemed fine with that, guess she didn't know the flu medicine was a shot..... I guess the older kids get the harder it is to give them shots. The nurse asked me who should go first and I said Tatum would and as soon as Tatum saw the needles she started freaking out big time. She was so super upset about it. Camdyn didn't like it much either but as soon as she got it and I held her for about a minute she was fine. Tatum not so much. She cried all the way to the car and didn't like that she had a bandaid on. She had gotten a sticker at the doc office so I said, why don't we put the sticker over the bandaid so you can't see it anymore. She liked that idea and that made her all better :). Later in the evening she thought it was pretty great that she and Camdyn had the same bandaids on though. I told Tatum last night when we were taking off the sticker and bandaid that I was so proud of her for being so very brave. She said, I am not brave Mom, I cried. I told her that even though she cried I still thought she was super brave :)
We decided it was time for Camdyn to have meat so I made her up some chicken on Monday night. She wasn't sure of it at first, but did pretty good with it. We mixed it with peas the first time and squash the second time. I asked Tatum is she wanted some and she took one look at the mixture and wrinkled up her face and said, "that's yucky Mommy". Can't say that I blame her, it really did not look all that appealing, haha. Going to keep up with the chicken for a few days and then probably move on to turkey and see if she likes that. We also gave her puffs for the firs time on Monday (10-3). She tried the sweet potato ones. She LOVED them. It was so cute watching her try and get the puffs into her mouth. Mostly the puffs ended up on her seat or the floor and her thumb ended up in her mouth. But she kept on trying!!
Trying out some puffs. |
Gramma and Grampa sent the girls a little Halloween care package and in it was a bracelet for Tatum to make. She just made it tonight. She got to use glitter glue and everything (pretty exciting for her!!)
Glitter Glue.... |
Thinking hard. |
All done. |
The girls just had a laughing fit while we were sitting here. Camdyn thinks Tatum is HILARIOUS!!!!
she is so crafty:)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful babies!