Friday, December 28, 2012

Santa Baby

Christmas this year in the Kahler house was the best.  It was nothing short of amazing!!!!  We are so lucky and so thankful for each other and for all that we have.  Santa definitely spoiled all of us and there were gifts for days!!  But we also enjoyed our family and the special time of the year!!

Kahler Christmas 2012
We baked cookies for Santa on Sunday.  I was sad because I could not find the Santa cookie recipe that we have made for the last couple of years.  So we tried a new recipe.  And let me just say it was definitely a Pinterest fail because the cookies were awful.  Thankfully we had a great time making them and they looked great once they were decorated.  No one ate them except for Santa, hope he loved them!!
Cookie Time

For Christmas Eve we had the family over for a yummy feast.  We had bruschetta, lasagna, bread, salad and of course lots of Christmas treats.  We had a wonderful relaxing dinner followed by a few presents.  The girls got to open their Christmas jammies and a movie and a book.  After we got changed into jammies the girls went out back to spread out the magic reindeer food.  Then it was inside for our new tradition of popcorn and hot cocoa while watching our new movie, Arthur Christmas. 


All set for our family movie

Hot Coco
Christmas morning was full of excitement.  The girls slept until about 7:30.  I guess they wanted to make sure to rest up for our busy day!!  When the girls were up I had Tatum holler down the stairs to make sure Santa wasn't still in the house.  She yelled down, "Santa" and in return the girls heard: "ho, ho, ho"!!!! Oh man, Tatum ran and jumped and hid so fast she didn't want him to see her.  We sent Daddy down to make sure Santa hurried up the chimney and out of the house so we could come down the stairs.  The coast was clear so down the stairs we came and Grampa and Gramma were already there.  Lucky them, they got to see Santa Clause!!

We started the morning with our stockings of course and they were filled with lots of goodies.  Then it was into the front room to see what was under the tree.  Oh man were the girls so super excited.  They were jumping for joy.  The girls opened their big gift from Santa first and they couldn't believe it was a Barbie house.  Guess Santa must of gotten their letter!!  Everyone got all they asked for and more.  Camdyn was good with her first gift which was socks and then she thought she was done, but once she figured out that she got to just keep opening her presents she was a pro!!  Tatum loved all of her gifts and said lots and lots of thank yous!!


So so so Excited

Gifts from Santa

Barbie House!!

Sister Love on Christmas

After our morning of presents and quick naps we headed over to do Christmas with the rest of the family.  There was more presents and more fun and it was a great time.  I didn't get any pictures from the rest of the day, going to have to snag pictures from other people's cameras for the photo memories!!

To end the day we headed over to Uncle Mike and Aunt Tam's for our annual family Christmas dinner, gift card exchange and Minute to Win it!!  This is usually our favorite part of Christmas.  It is just so fun to all get together; relax, be silly and have so much fun!!  The games this year were hilarious and a total blast!!  We started off easy with the gingerbread man game, then we had to blow cups across a table with a straw and finally we had to shake Christmas ornaments out of a box that was tied just above our bums.  Yeah that one was HILARIOUS!!

It was a perfect day full of family and love.  We are ready for 2013 and all the excitement it will bring!!

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