We are having fun around our house these days. Most nights just enjoying each other and loving how fun our kids are!! Our girls love to dance. If there is music on they are shaking their booties. Especially Camdyn, she cannot help but dance whenever she hears a note of music. We dance a lot. Last night we were dancing and Tatum started showing us all the ways to do splits. She was making me do them with her, all sorts of interesting twists and turns and lots of laughs.
Friday after school we came home and the girls wanted to paint. So paint we did. It is fun to see how good Tatum is becoming at painting. She is very precise when she does it. She likes to make sure each part has color on it and it is just right. I think we have a little prefectionist in our family.
All set up. |
Here we go. |
Finished Painting |
I am not quite ready to let Camdyn have a paintbrush and paints all on her own quite yet, but I like her to still feel a bit independent. So I put some paint in a ziplock bag and taped the bag to the table and let her squish that paint all over, however she wanted. It was fun to watch her see how it was moving around!!
Checking it out. |
Big sis watching little sis |
Finished painting |
Camdyn is growing up so fast. Since she is becoming such a big girl we have decided it is time for her to become a binky free big girl. Camdyn is super attached to her binky. Literally it is attached to her 24 hours a day. She loves having that thing and popping it in her mouth. We were very nervous how she was going to be when we starting taking it away. Thank goodness Camdyn has amazing teachers at school who are willing to help us. Friday was the first day that Cam went to school without her binky and she didn't get it all day. She had a bit of a hard time wanting to lay down but after about five minutes she fell right asleep. And the whole rest of the day went great!! Saturday she went the entire day without her binky as well!! We are not quite ready to take it away from her at night yet. Camdyn doesn't really know yet how to soothe herself without her binky, so when she cries it is for a bit longer because she doesn't have her security blanket there. But we are so very proud of her and at the start of day 3 without her binky she is doing awesome!!
No binky on me!!
Tatum got to have a special big girl day yesterday and go to the movies. We went to see Brave and she was all dressed up like a Princess. It was such a friend morning!! We met my friend Megan and her daughter Madison, who was also dressed up like a Princess. They girls enjoyed the movie. Tatum was definitely Brave while she watched Brave because she didn't need to wear her ear muffs and she only covered her ears a couple of times. Was so very proud of her for not being scared of the noise!!
So sweet! Good idea with the paint, are you sure you aren't a teacher? I can't wait for family nights with the boys :)