Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

We had a wonderful weekend this Easter!!

Saturday morning we got up and went to get bagels for breakfast.  The girls were excited about the "ice cream bagels" that they got.  They were basically bagel bites with frosting on them, healthy I know!!  Then we headed to the zoo.  It was an absolutely beautiful day on Saturday.  The zoo actually was not nearly as crowded as we thought it might of been.  We were there for about 2 hours and had a great time.  We took a few different trails that we hadn't taken before, which was suprising since we go to the zoo so often.  But we got to see some new things and really enjoyed it!!

Saturday afternoon both of our girls took long naps and Matt and I relaxed too.  When the girls woke up it was time to color our eggs.  We got our everything all set and headed outside to color the eggs.  Tatum had a lot of fun coloring her eggs and putting stickers on them.  Matt made a Green Bay egg and Camdyn had fun sitting in her Daddy's lap and watching.

Cute Camdyn

Ready to color eggs

Having fun!!

Daddy and Camdyn

Mommy and Tatum

Green Bay Egg

All of our Eggs

Sunday morning we woke up to find that the Easter bunny had come to our house!!  The Easter Bunny had tied a piece of yarn from the girls beds all the way through the house finally ending up at the girls' Easter Baskets.  The yarn went from the bed, zigzaged down the stairs, around the tables and couch in the family room, through the kitchen table, to the front door and finally ended at their baskets in the ball pit.  That Easter bunny sure is silly!!  The girls didn't get any candy in their baskets, but they did get a few fun things and new swimsuits and towels. 

Easter Bunny left a string

Down the stairs.

String to the baskets

Basket time!!

Having fun.


Then it was time for our egg hunt.  Not only did the Easter Bunny leave the girls their Easter baskets, he also put eggs outside in our backyard.  The girls were soooooo super excited, especially Tatum.  She thought it was so great that he left all of those eggs.  Camdyn did great on her first real egg hunt, she was happy getting about 8 eggs, and then just ran and played with them.  Tatum did awesome finding the other 40 we put out there!!

Egg hunt time!!

Looking for eggs.

So many eggs

Got one!!

In the basket

Eggs on the swingset.

Found it!!

Great egg hunt!!

Sisters on Easter.
We did some baking and relaxing on Sunday and then it was off to family dinner.  We certainly had a yummy feast and all left feeling totally full!!  The girls were excited to see that the Easter bunny also paid a visit to Uncle Doo-Doo and Aunt Lindsey's house too!!

Such a great family weekend!!
The Kahler's

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