Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holiday Week!!

This week we got a special treat at both school and at dance.  Monday was holiday visitors week at Tatum's dance class.  Daddy, Camdyn, Nana, Papa and I all got to go in her classroom and watch her class and see her Christmas Dance to 'I want a hippopotamus for Christmas'.  It was so fun to be in there watching her and see how good she has gotten in the last 3 months.  Tatum was so proud of all she could do and she loved having us in there.  There was lots of clapping going on for all of the girls in the class!!  Tatum loved having Camdyn in there too, she kept saying Camdyn I am right here look at me and smiling so big.  So sweet!!
Starting off tapping at the bar

Time to put on some makeup :)

Train time

Flaps across the floor

Back flaps

Getting ready for her dance


Time for Ballet Shoes

Rocking out!!

Having a Blast!!

Tatum, her teacher Ms. Peggy and her special cupcake
I was in charge of pictures and Matt was in charge of taking video.  We came prepared with 2 cameras of course :).  The videos are so super cute.  The first one is their Christmas dance and the second one is some dancing to Justin Beiber.  Now her class is all 2 and 3 year olds and when Justin Beiber comes on the girls absolutely love it.  It is so adorable to see them get down!!

Tonight was the show at the girls school.  It was titled "Holidays around the world".  Each class sung a different song about a different holiday.  Tatum's class sung 'Twinkle twinkle seven lights' (Kwanza).  It was very cute to watch the kids sing.  Some of the kids in her class knew the song very well and some not so well.  I think a lot of them were shy with all the parents watching.  Not sure how well Tatum knew the song, but it was adorable anyway :)

Camdyn was so excited to watch Tatum sing!!

It is SO MUCH FUN to see all that our girls do and I hope they both know how so very proud we are of both of them, they are just so amazing!!!


  1. She has serious dancing talent like her mommy!

  2. This is the perfect way to get into the Holiday Spirit----watching Tatum and Camdyn!!!!
    See you in 2 weeks. xoxoxoxoxox

  3. Tatum was totally the best Beiber dancer!!
