What an incredible year we have had!!
2011 - Hightlights: Camdyn was born, our sweet nephew Holden was born (the same day), we moved into our house, my forever sister Kristin came to visit, we had a week-long family trip to Nashville, I went back to work and the girls started school, Matt turned 30 and we went to Vegas, we went to San Diego twice, Tatum started dance class, Matt had a wonderful time on the annual Kahler men Wisconsin fishing trip, we started training for the half marathon, my brother came for a visit, we went to Disneyland (Amazing), and Tatum turned 3!!! Just a few of our fun memories from 2011, I am sure I could write forever on everything in 2011 that was awesome, but I will just say that we loved our year!!
Camdyn Breeze Kahler ~ Born: 2/4/11 |
First breakfast in our New Home |
Visit to Nashville |
Meeting Holden Edward |
San Diego |
Las Vegas for Matt's 30th Birthday |
San Diego Again |
Tatum all ready for her First Dance Class |
Visit from my brother Michael |
Tatum is 3!! |
Disneyland!!!! |
Camdyn Breeze was born in February and she has made our smiles brighter every day. We don't even remember what life was like with just the 3 of us. Having Camdyn in our family makes us so complete and we are so blessed that she is ours. Camdyn had a wonderful year. She is now attempting to stand on her own (she has done it a few times for about 2 seconds) and loves walking with help (especially from her Big Sister). Watching Camdyn walk all over the house with her walker is hilarious, she is definitely a speedwalker and doesn't let anything get in her way!! Camdyn has started crawling on her hands and feet instead of using her knees, she is one step closer to walking on her own!! She has 4 teeth, all on the bottom row and her smile is one of the cutest I have ever seen. Camdyn just had her ears checked and they are both perfect with the tubes perfectly in place. We are excited that she is starting 2012 off with perfect ears, we sure are hoping they stay that way for a while. Camdyn sleeps through most nights in her own room. Once in a while she likes to have a party in the middle of the night, but she sleeps through more often that not, which we are so thankful for. Camdyn is still obsessed with her binky, she takes that thing in and out of her mouth like a pro. Camdyn loves school and her teachers {especially Miss Lindsey :)}, we are so thankful for the wonderful women who take care of our girls each day, they truly are amazing!! We cannot believe how fast this year has flown and how much Camdyn has grown, she is going to be 1 before we know it!! (good thing the party planning has already begun!!)
Tatum Ann had quite the year as well. She became a big sister, which was definitely the highlight for her. I know I say it often, but Tatum has so much love for Camdyn and is so sweet to her, truly the best big sister ever!! Tatum loves to play and run and spends so much time doing both. Her vocabulary is so big and she is learning more words every day (in English and Spanish too). I love having long conversations with her about her day and her life. Tatum is quite the entertainer, she loves her dance class. She has so much fun doing all her moves and her smile never stops while she is dancing. I love that she likes it so much, it makes me so proud to see her doing something that meant so much to me growing up. Hopefully she wants to dance forever, for now we will take it one recital at a time :). Tatum knows her shapes and some letters and she can trace her name. She knows how to spell her name out loud, but we are working on writing it without tracing. Tatum loves to read. She is always "reading" books to Camdyn and to her dolls. Maybe we have a future teacher in her?? Tatum has a blast at school each day and loves her teachers too. She loves talking about all her friends and who did what each day. I hope our daily chats continue on forever, they mean so much to me!! Tatum is so wonderful and we are so proud of her, she is such an amazing 3 year old and I can't believe how grown up she has become this year!!
We love to laugh. Laughing is our favorite thing. Daily laugh sessions in our house are a must!! It is definitely our goal to keep up with the happiness that fills our home everyday in 2012!!
We are so lucky to have had such a great year and love looking back on it but we excited for 2012 to see what the year brings!! Happy New Year!!