Friday, December 30, 2011

End of 2011

What an incredible year we have had!! 

2011 - Hightlights: Camdyn was born, our sweet nephew Holden was born (the same day), we moved into our house, my forever sister Kristin came to visit, we had a week-long family trip to Nashville, I went back to work and the girls started school, Matt turned 30 and we went to Vegas, we went to San Diego twice, Tatum started dance class, Matt had a wonderful time on the annual Kahler men Wisconsin fishing trip, we started training for the half marathon, my brother came for a visit, we went to Disneyland (Amazing), and Tatum turned 3!!!  Just a few of our fun memories from 2011, I am sure I could write forever on everything in 2011 that was awesome, but I will just say that we loved our year!!

Camdyn Breeze Kahler ~ Born: 2/4/11

First breakfast in our New Home

Visit to Nashville

Meeting Holden Edward

San Diego

Las Vegas for Matt's 30th Birthday

San Diego Again

Tatum all ready for her First Dance Class

Visit from my brother Michael

Tatum is 3!!

Camdyn Breeze was born in February and she has made our smiles brighter every day.  We don't even remember what life was like with just the 3 of us.  Having Camdyn in our family makes us so complete and we are so blessed that she is ours.  Camdyn had a wonderful year.  She is now attempting to stand on her own (she has done it a few times for about 2 seconds) and loves walking with help (especially from her Big Sister).  Watching Camdyn walk all over the house with her walker is hilarious, she is definitely a speedwalker and doesn't let anything get in her way!! Camdyn has started crawling on her hands and feet instead of using her knees, she is one step closer to walking on her own!!  She has 4 teeth, all on the bottom row and her smile is one of the cutest I have ever seen.  Camdyn just had her ears checked and they are both perfect with the tubes perfectly in place.  We are excited that she is starting 2012 off with perfect ears, we sure are hoping they stay that way for a while.  Camdyn sleeps through most nights in her own room.  Once in a while she likes to have a party in the middle of the night, but she sleeps through more often that not, which we are so thankful for.  Camdyn is still obsessed with her binky, she takes that thing in and out of her mouth like a pro.  Camdyn loves school and her teachers {especially Miss Lindsey :)}, we are so thankful for the wonderful women who take care of our girls each day, they truly are amazing!!  We cannot believe how fast this year has flown and how much Camdyn has grown, she is going to be 1 before we know it!! (good thing the party planning has already begun!!)

Tatum Ann had quite the year as well.  She became a big sister, which was definitely the highlight for her.  I know I say it often, but Tatum has so much love for Camdyn and is so sweet to her, truly the best big sister ever!!  Tatum loves to play and run and spends so much time doing both.  Her vocabulary is so big and she is learning more words every day (in English and Spanish too).  I love having long conversations with her about her day and her life.  Tatum is quite the entertainer, she loves her dance class.  She has so much fun doing all her moves and her smile never stops while she is dancing.  I love that she likes it so much, it makes me so proud to see her doing something that meant so much to me growing up.  Hopefully she wants to dance forever, for now we will take it one recital at a time :).  Tatum knows her shapes and some letters and she can trace her name.  She knows how to spell her name out loud, but we are working on writing it without tracing.  Tatum loves to read. She is always "reading" books to Camdyn and to her dolls.  Maybe we have a future teacher in her??  Tatum has a blast at school each day and loves her teachers too.  She loves talking about all her friends and who did what each day.  I hope our daily chats continue on forever, they mean so much to me!!  Tatum is so wonderful and we are so proud of her, she is such an amazing 3 year old and I can't believe how grown up she has become this year!!

We love to laugh.  Laughing is our favorite thing.  Daily laugh sessions in our house are a must!!  It is definitely our goal to keep up with the happiness that fills our home everyday in 2012!!

We are so lucky to have had such a great year and love looking back on it but we excited for 2012 to see what the year brings!!  Happy New Year!!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Our Very Merry Christmas 2011

We had a wonderful Christmas here at the Kahler house!!  We of course got some presents, but we also got some fantastic time as a family keeping up our traditions and enjoying every minute of it!!

On Friday night we took the girls to look at Christmas lights.  It was fun going back to neighborhoods that Matt and I had been to as kids with our families to look at lights.  We went to 2 neighborhoods that had really done up streets and then just drove around some too.  Tatum and Camdyn both had a great time.  They really loved the lights and there eyes were almost as bright as the lights were :).

Excited to go see lights!!

Saturday morning (Christmas Eve Day) we got up and got right into making our cookies for Santa.  This is the second year that we have made the recipe we did and they turned out great.  So very yummy!!  It was really fun that the 4 of us made the cookies and decorated them together.  Then we just curled up on the couch and watched a few Christmas movies as a family.  We had Matt's side of the family over for Christmas Eve dinner.  It was a nice relaxed evening.  The girls got to open their Christmas jammies that night and they both looked adorable of course!!  We put the food out for Santa and the Reindeer.  {Little story: we were at the grocery store getting everything we needed for our Christmas meals and I asked Tatum what Reindeer eat, she said she didn't know.  I told her I thought they ate carrots so we put some of those in our cart.  Then after a bit of shopping Tatum said, "Mommy, I think that Reindeers really like cheese".  I said oh you are right it is their favorite, so when the Reindeers came to our house they got carrots and cheese :)}.  Then we headed upstairs to get all tucked in tight so that Santa could bring some Christmas Magic!!

Time to bake cookies!!

Tatum is so awesome at cracking eggs!!

Camdyn loves baking

Tatum and Daddy rolling out the dough

Santa's cookie

Camdyn going for a stroll

Cute girl

So ready for Christmas!!

All ready for Santa

Christmas jammies!!

Our girls both slept until about 8:15 Christmas morning.  But as soon as they were up Tatum started talking about how she heard Santa in the night.  She said that she heard his Jingle Bells while he was bringing her presents.  So cute!!  Both our girls were adorable opening all of their gifts.  Camdyn had a blast on her first Christmas.  I have never heard Cam do so much squeeling.  She was honestly just so super excited about everything!! 

Reading the note Santa left the girls

Camdyn loving her stocking gifts

Tatum and her stocking

The girls and their gifts from Santa

Camdyn on her first Christmas

Daddy and his gifts from the girls

Presents everywhere!!

We spent the afternoon at Matt's parents, opening more gifts and having fun.  And then we headed over to Matt's Aunt and Uncles house for Christmas dinner and so much fun!! Instead of doing gifts for everyone we do a gift card exchange.  Every person brings a gift card and we each get to pick one at a time.  This year it was oldest to youngest.  Then after every person has one the fun begins.  We have to roll dice and if we land on a 6 we can steal someone else's card.  It is five minutes of laughter and craziness and it is so much fun.  After the gift card exchange we play minute to win it.  To us this is probably one of the best parts of our Christmas traditions.  It is so awesome to see what games we will have to play and how silly we can get.  More non-stop laughter!!  This year we played so many histerical games, even Tatum got to play some of them.  Matt and Andrew were the champions of this years Minute to Win it Madness!!

Cutest Santa Butt


Playing with Auntie Emma

Tatum and Mommy

Marshmellow blow gun for minute to win it

{There are of course a whole lot of minute to win it pictures but we will keep those in the family :)}

We truly are so incredibly lucky and blessed with all that we have and we could not of asked for a better Christmas!!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holiday Week!!

This week we got a special treat at both school and at dance.  Monday was holiday visitors week at Tatum's dance class.  Daddy, Camdyn, Nana, Papa and I all got to go in her classroom and watch her class and see her Christmas Dance to 'I want a hippopotamus for Christmas'.  It was so fun to be in there watching her and see how good she has gotten in the last 3 months.  Tatum was so proud of all she could do and she loved having us in there.  There was lots of clapping going on for all of the girls in the class!!  Tatum loved having Camdyn in there too, she kept saying Camdyn I am right here look at me and smiling so big.  So sweet!!
Starting off tapping at the bar

Time to put on some makeup :)

Train time

Flaps across the floor

Back flaps

Getting ready for her dance


Time for Ballet Shoes

Rocking out!!

Having a Blast!!

Tatum, her teacher Ms. Peggy and her special cupcake
I was in charge of pictures and Matt was in charge of taking video.  We came prepared with 2 cameras of course :).  The videos are so super cute.  The first one is their Christmas dance and the second one is some dancing to Justin Beiber.  Now her class is all 2 and 3 year olds and when Justin Beiber comes on the girls absolutely love it.  It is so adorable to see them get down!!

Tonight was the show at the girls school.  It was titled "Holidays around the world".  Each class sung a different song about a different holiday.  Tatum's class sung 'Twinkle twinkle seven lights' (Kwanza).  It was very cute to watch the kids sing.  Some of the kids in her class knew the song very well and some not so well.  I think a lot of them were shy with all the parents watching.  Not sure how well Tatum knew the song, but it was adorable anyway :)

Camdyn was so excited to watch Tatum sing!!

It is SO MUCH FUN to see all that our girls do and I hope they both know how so very proud we are of both of them, they are just so amazing!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

This and that.

Camdyn has decided she is hilarious.  She of course is hilarious so we just can't seem to get mad at her!!  She has a couple of new favorite things.  One of the things she likes to do is crawl over to the bathtub in our bathroom and turn on the faucet.  She is tall enough that if she stands up she can reach it and she just bounces up and down and thinks it is so great.  She starts crawling over there and I say, "Camdyn I hope you are not heading to turn that water on."  Camdyn stops, looks at me and laughs and just keeps on going.  Then I tell her (more stern of course), "Camdyn you better not turn the water on", then she of course goes ahead and turns in on.  The whole time she is looking at me and cracking up.  She just thinks I am so funny for telling her not to do it and she thinks she is so funny cause she does it anyway.  I will walk her all the way out to the loft and she just speeds her little tush right back in there.  It is cute how excited she gets.  Dangerous for her to be turning it on I know, but she is just adorable.  Camdyn also loves to 'help' with the dishes.  Her new thing is climbing into the dishwasher.  Of course she doesn't put dishes in, she prefers to take dishes out. 
I am so cute
Tatum got a new bike for her birthday from Uncle Adam and Aunt Lindsey and I took her out for a bike ride on Sunday afternoon.  She looks adorable on her bike with her helmet on.  She looks like such a big girl.  She rode all the way down the street to the end of the cul-de-sac and back.  I made her keep pedaling the whole way.  We had to take 2 breaks because she kept telling me, "Mommy, this is really hard work".  She did an awesome job and we are so proud of her for how far she went and how good she is getting at pedaling!!

Our girls have been pretty sick the last few days.  Camdyn started throwing up on Thursday morning about 3am and Tatum started throwing up about 4:15am.  They both were sick several times on Thursday but by Thursday evening they seemed to be doing better.  So they got all ready to head to school on Friday as usual and after 2 bites of her breakfast, Tatum got sick.  So Daddy stayed home with the girls in the morning and I came home at lunch to be with them.  All was good for the rest of the day until the night.  Camdyn got sick right before bed and Tatum got sick about 4am again.  Saturday morning we had a birthday party to go to and a Christmas party that evening.  We were so super sad we missed both because our poor girls were still so sick.  Tatum got sick again at lunch time and Camdyn got sick at dinner time.  They were on rotating schedules I guess.  We definitely did a lot of laundry this weekend!!  All day Sunday they were both great, both seemed to be back to normal happy and playing.  So Monday morning went as planned and Matt took them to school.  45 minutes later I got a call from school that Camdyn got sick again.  Not sure what was going on.  On Saturday I had texted their doctor (really she is amazing, she texted me back within 2 minutes), she told me there is a nasty virus going around and to not give them any food, just clear liquids.  So that is what we did.  Thankfully Tatum has been doing good, now hopefully Camdyn can start feeling good.  Having sick babies is the absolute Worst!!  They are both going to school this morning so am definitely hoping they can both enjoy their day with no sickness!!

Tatum had her 3 year check up at the doctor on Monday and she is doing great.  She is 36 pounds (89th percentile) and 39 1/4 inches tall (91st percentile).  Tatum had her blood pressure checked and she was a little nervous, but she loved that she got to see the numbers go up and down (her bp was 86/50, which is good for her age).  She was so cute doing all the things the doctor asked her to do.  She had to jump up and down, touch her toes, give high fives, show her muscles.  Tatum thought she was pretty great and she had fun.  The doctor gave her a coloring book with crayons and stickers, Tatum was very excited about it because it was Tinkerbell.  Cannot believe how much she is growing and how awesome she is doing!!

We love our girls so very much!!!!


Spaghetti is a favorite meal in our house.  We have it probably once a week.  It is so easy for us to make and it is something that we all love.  Camdyn had it for the first time the other day.  It was messy and so much fun!!

Yay spaghetti!!

Shoveling it in!!

Tatum loves doing this