Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1.

Cannot believe it is already November 1.  This year is flying fast!!  Holy cow Tatum is going to be 3 years old in a month.  How can that be!?!?  And Camdyn is going to be 9 months old in just 3 days.  Really, 9 months?!?  Our baby girls are growing so fast!!

On Sunday night we decided it was time to get Tatum to sleep in her own bed.  For those of you that don't know Tatum is terrified of her bed and her room at night.  She has been getting to sleep with Mommy and Daddy every night since we moved into our new house (February).  Some nights she would fall asleep on the couch before it was time for bed but she would always wake up shortly after and find her way back into our room right in the middle of our not so big bed.  We weren't sure what to do because putting her in her room leads to a lot of scared screams and cries.  I would ask her what she was scared of in her room and she told me her floor fan.  So I took that out of there and then she told me she was scared of her closet too.  I told her we couldn't take that out but there was no need to be scared of her closet because it was just her princess shirts in there.  That didn't help her been less scared.  So I have been doing a lot of reading trying to get tips on what to do to make her not scared.  And the solution I found was to start by having her bed in our room.  So Saturday night Matt moved her bed into our room, next to the wall on my side of the bed.  We told her, see look you get to sleep in Mommy and Daddy's room still, but in your very own bed.  She did not want to have anything to do with her bed.  So I told her ok tonight is the very last night you can sleep with us and tomorrow it is time for your big girl bed.............

Sunday night we put her to sleep in her bed and she was a bit scared.  So I got her Jessie and Tigger and she cuddled them tight and seemed to do ok.  She woke up once in the night and I saw her just standing by her bed so I went to her and got her all settled in again and she slept through.  I was really proud of her for not hopping in bed with us.  Last night she was scared to sleep in her bed again.  I don't know why but she was, so I got her special lady bug that lights up and puts stars and the moon on the ceiling and walls and that seemed to make her happy and she drifted off to sleep shortly after.  So we will keep up with having her sleep in her bed in our room until she isn't scared anymore and then we will start moving her back into her room.  Tatum has been so proud of herself the last 2 mornings that she was such a big girl.  She says, "Mom I slept in my big girl bed all by myself".  2 nights is the first step!!  Hoping she keeps getting braver and braver!!

Finally we are also having Camdyn sleep in her room in her crib.  We tried to have her sleep in there a few months ago, but it didn't work so well and then she had more ear issues so we wanted her close.  But on Sunday night she sat up in her bassinet and was trying to crawl out of it.  This scared me big time, I am not a heavy sleeper and most always wake up when she is moving around and would most likely know she was squirming before she fell out, but I don't want to risk her knocking the bassinet over or tumbling to the floor.  So to her room and her crib it was.  Last night I got her sheets all washed again and Matt moved the mattress down so it is on the lowest position now (no climbing out of it for a while for Camdyn!!).  And guess what..... Camdyn slept THE WHOLE NIGHT!!!!  I do not remember the last time she slept all night.  It was great.  I woke up a few times thinking that she should be waking up but she just kept on snoozing.  A full night of sleep for all of us in our house.  Pretty exciting stuff!!  Not sure if she was exhausted from all the Halloween excitement or if she just loves her crib so much and sleeps so great in it. I certainly hope that it is because she loves her crib so much and she is going to start sleeping through the night EVERY night.  Going to be positive about it and hope thats true :)

1 comment:

  1. Such a good idea about the bed in your room! Yay for Tatum! And yay for Camdyn! You lucky Mama! ;)
