Thursday, September 1, 2011

Camdyn's Ear Surgery

Camdyn had her ear surgery this morning and it went great!!  I woke her up last night at 11:30 to fed her and make sure her belly was nice and full since she was not allowed to eat after midnight.  She was in a great happy mood this morning and we got to the surgery center about 7:15 and got all checked in.  We were taken back to a kids room and Camdyn got to play with a few toys while we spoke to her doctor and anesthesiologist.  We gave Camdyn to the nurse and we were sent back out to the waiting room.  Camdyn and I both immediately started crying.  By the time I had stopped crying and read one page of my book, Camdyn was all done.  The surgery took less than 10 minutes!!

Camdyn's cute feet with her hospital band on.

All smiles before surgery!!

Waiting to talk to the doc.

Cam got in some play time before her surgery.

Fun toys!!

The doc said Camdyn did great and he got her ears all cleaned out.  He said they were both full of mucus and infection.  So that is her 5th ear infection!!!!  Dr. McKenna was able to get everything all cleared out so her ears are looking good.  He popped the tubes in and she was done. 

Doesn't her ear look great ;)

Camdyn was not a fan of coming out of the anesthesia.  She was all dangly and screaming her head off.  Her heart rate was up to 192 beats a minute at one point because she was screaming so much!!  The whole time we were back with her in recovery, about 20 or so minutes,  she screamed.  I got her to drink about 2 ounces of her bottle but that was it.  As soon as we got her in her carseat and got her out of there she fell asleep.  She is now sleeping, well snoring I should say on the couch. 

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... snoring away..........

We have to make sure she has lots of fluids today because of the anestesia and he gave us ear drops to give her for the next five days.  She has to wear ear plugs from now on when she bathes or is around water.  And other than that we just have to be really aware of sound level.  Camdyn's ears are going to be very sensitive now because she will be able to hear so much better now that everything that was in there is cleared out.  So guess we better tell Tatum no more screaming in the house, haha, don't think that will happen ;)

We are just so glad that Camdyn's ears finally have hope of clearing up and she will be able to hear so much better now.  Thanks everyone who sent her your extra love and prayers.  She definitely got them all!!


  1. Sooooo glad that all of you made it through with flying colors. I love you. xoxox See you in only 18 hours!!!!!

  2. FIVE ear infections?! oh my goodness!! i'm so glad your baby will be all better!

  3. I was so proud of her (and her mom and dad) this morning.. She was definitely a big girl.
