Friday, September 30, 2011


Well in our house we have had a bunch of sickies the last few days.  Matt was sick last week with a cold/sore throat combination.  No fun for him!! 

On Tuesday Camdyn had a fever and was throwing up.  We are used to her reflux throwing up, but not her projectile throwing up!!  Gross I know, poor Daddy got that one :(

On Wednesday I took Tatum for her regular Pulmonologist appointment and unknown to us she is sicky too!!  She has an ear infection, and is wheezing.  So she got an antibiotic for her ear and a steroid for her wheezing.  And the doctor wants us to do her breathing treatments every night through the winter.  Poor thing.  She never even complained that she wasn't feeling well!!  Glad she got some medicine for sure.  At her next pulmonology appointment they will be doing some lung function tests on her to see how she is doing and what her lungs are like.  The office is getting some new "state of the art" equipment that will more properly diagnose lung problems in kids.  So we will see how that goes.

Some good news..... Camdyn's ears are all better!!!!  She had her appointment with Dr. McKenna yesterday and we were so excited for the news.  Dr. McKenna was really glad too!!  Camdyn still has some blood behind her ear but it has moved off of the ear drum and now there is a clear view of the tube and through the tube.  So now the blood that is in there will just act as wax and come out as wax does.  We are so very happy that Cam's ears are finally cleared up and she doesn't have to have any more ear drops or anything like that.  Our next appointment with the ENT isn't until December.  Don't get me wrong I love the staff and Dr. McKenna, but we will be VERY glad to be stearing clear of the office for a while :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Saturday was the ASU vs. USC game and the Devils won!!!!  It was an awesome game and soooo much fun!!

It was our week to bring food to the tailgate and we wanted to do something a little different.  So we made mini pizzas, pasta and salad.  Everything turned out really good.  The girls and I made some football cupcakes that were quite yummy!!

Football cupcakes.

We have been trying to think of ways to make the fireworks less scary for Tatum....  When we were at the Disney store this week we found some Minnie Mouse ear muffs.  So we got her those and told her that Minnie Mouse would protect her ears.  She did a little bit better this game.  We still had to spend most of the first quarter in Sparky's shop because she was terrified, but then I took her back to the seats and she was scared for a while but seemed to do better and better as the game went on.  Tatum isn't a fan of the loud screaming or banging on the railing.  She would put her ear muffs on for fireworks and loud times and then get so excited that she didn't cry and would say "I did it!!".  We were so proud of her.  Hopefully next time she can be even less scared and we can stay in the stands the whole game!!
Minnie Mouse Ear Muffs.
We had a great time at the tailgate.  There was an ASU tailgate that we went to check out and it was pretty fun, they had a bounce house and a couple of games for the kids.  Tatum had a great time over there!!
Jumping in the bounce house with Aunt Lindsey

Camdyn and Aunt Jenny

Sisters in the play zone

Aunt Kristi and Tatum went back for more fun!!
The tailgate and the game were a lot of fun!!  Its good to be a SUN DEVIL!!!!
Ready for the Game.

Having fun at the tailgate.

Tatum relaxing.


Such a big girl

Tatum and her Papa


Friday was Adam's (Uncle DooDoo's) birthday.  We went out to dinner and then we went bowling.  It was the first time that we have taken the girls bowling and I think it was a success.  Camdyn had a good time, she watched the lights and then fell asleep, big excitement for her :).  And Tatum had a blast.  She loved wearing her special bowling shoes and they looked just so darn cute on her.  We got her one of those bowling ball slide things (don't know the technical term for it, haha) and she did great.  They played 2 games and the second game she scored 114 and got 3 strikes!!!!  We will definitely be going back again!!

Cutest bowler girl

Uncle DooDoo helping Tatum.

Camdyn and Mommy

Too much excitement!!

Final scores!!  Tatum did GREAT!!

Tatum and Daddy ready to BOWL!!

Family Fun

Tuesday night we were just hanging out at home having some family time after dinner.  All 4 of us were on the floor trying to get Camdyn to crawl.  She is so super close to crawling, every day she gets a bit steadier on all 4's and it takes her less time to get there.  Can't wait for the crawling to start!!  We gotta get to Target for baby gates for the stairs!!

"Watch me Camdyn!!"

Getting close to crawling!!

While we were playing Tatum decided that we should take lots of pictures.  So we had a little photo shoot doing silly things.  Just a few fun photos to share!!
Blue, blue eyes

"Let's be silly Daddy"

Tatum wanted to be tigers.  They are roaring :)

Tatum took this pic

Its always fun to just be silly as a family!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Gramma

Today would have been my Gramma's 89th birthday. 

My Gramma's favorite place to eat was KFC.  Nothing fancy, but she loved it.  So today on her birthday we went to dinner at KFC.  It is our tradition cause we know how much she loved that fried chicken :)

I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought of was her.  My Gramma was the most amazing, most beautiful, most loving woman I have ever known.  She and I had a special relationship, whenever I talked to her I felt like she was my best friend in the whole world.  She was always there for me telling me like it is and giving me all the love in her heart.  I think about my Gramma each and every day and I miss her so much.  I know she wouldn't want me to cry, she would say, oh Jennifer I am happy in heaven with Grampa and Pop, stop your crying.  But I can't help it, I just miss her voice and her laugh so much.  Gramma was the BEST story teller.  I absolutely loved hearing all of her stories about her life, she did have such an AMAZING life.  My Gramma was and is so so special in my life.  I know she has shaped the person I have become today and I hope she is watching down on me and is proud. 

Just wanted to share a few pics of her.  She was so beautiful and her smile shined in every room. 

Me and my Gramma Christmas 2009

First time Gramma held Tatum - January 2009

Matt and Gramma in Nashville, February 2010

Gramma LOVED her family SOOOO MUCH!!

Gramma feeding Tatum August 2009

Grammas Birthday September 2009 (we got her boxed wine too!!)

So Beautiful!!

Zoo Lights - December 2009

Gramma and Tatum - March 2009

Gramma, Tatum and My Mom - March 2009

Love you so very much Gramma.  Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!

Halloween Costumes Bought!!

Since Halloween is just a little over a month a way we figured we needed to get the girls their Halloween costumes now before things were sold out or not in the correct size for them. 

Tatum decided she wanted to be a Princess this year.  I have been asking her over the last week what she wanted to dress up as for Halloween and she kept saying she wanted to be the "Yellow Princess".  I would say ok you want to be Belle, then she would say, "Yes Mom, Yellow Princess Belle".  It was pretty cute.  Then on the way home from school yesterday she was saying she wanted to be Sleeping Beauty and Camdyn would be Belle.  So we knew having her decide might be tough for her!!

I decided against going to Party City or one of those Halloween pop up stores because I thought just walking in there might scare the girls since they are usually so done up with horror type stuff at the entrances.  So since Tatum wanted her and Camdyn to be Princesses we went straight to the Disney Store (or Mickey's shop as Tatum calls it).

We got in there and right away Tatum wanted to be about 5 different things.  She went from wedding Cinderella, to Belle, to Tinkerbell, to Snow White and finally setteled on Alice for herself.  Once she saw the Alice shoes and costume she was set!!  Tatum decided that Camdyn should be Belle this year. 

So we are going to have a little Alice and Baby Belle.  I think the girls are going to just look absolutely adorable on Halloween night.  Cannot wait to see!!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lots Going on

There is a lot going on in our lives these days as usual!! 

Tatum went back to dance class on Monday since she had no class on Labor Day.  And I am pretty sure she loved it even more than the time before.  Once again she was the BEST in the class :). Such a good listener and getting so very good at her shuffles.  They did a new step this week.  Mrs. Peggy taught the girls back flaps.  Turns out back flaps are pretty tricky but Tatum had a blast trying them out.  Tatum had a great time doing the dance to "Animal Crackers in my Soup" this week.  She is becoming such a pro :)

Camdyn went back to the ear doc on Friday.  We were super nervous going into the appointment, but she did great.  Her right ear is completely cleared out and now looks perfect.  Her left ear is looking a little bit better but there is still some blood behind her tube blocking the view of the drum.  And the doc wants it to be perfect too and completely cleared out.  Soooo... doing drops in the left ear for 2 more weeks and then going back to see him.  It was really great going there and getting good news.  Dr. McKenna told us that after our last visit he wasn't very optimistic about her tubes clearing out so he was very very pleased that she was doing so awesome. 

Camdyn had a terrible night on Friday.  She and I were up basically the ENTIRE night.  She would fall asleep for about 5 minutes and then wake up crying.  It was awful.  Then in the morning she had a little tooth that had popped through.  It was her bottom left middle.  It is just through a little bit but it is there.  But after Friday night we are guessing getting teeth is going to be really tough for her.  But we can't wait to see her mouth full of teeth!!  Camdyn also got a big girl car seat this weekend.  Babies R Us was having there 25%off carseat trade in and we had a 15% of coupon.  So Camdyn got a new a carseat for Daddy's car and Tatum got a new carseat for my car.  Tatum was very excited about her new carseat because the one she had in my car (that Cam is going to use now) didn't have cup holders and this one does. Pretty darn cool for her :)

Big girl carseat

Guess Camdyn had a big week this week.  She is starting to wave at us when she sees us which is ADORABLE.  And we are pretty sure she is going to be crawling within the week. She is so darn close.  She gets up on all 4's and rocks then splats to her belly.  She is a pro at scooting on her toosh that is for sure!!  And she sat in a high chair at dinner in a restaurant (Rustlers Roosts) for the first time!!  She is just growing up sooooo FAST!!!!
Restaurant High Chair

Football season is in full swing and we are enjoying it in our house!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cams Ears

Well on Friday I took Camdyn back to the doctor to check and see if her ears were doing better.  They weren't :(

Dr. McKenna said she still has blood behind her left ear drum and the tube in the right ear is completely corked.  So in the right ear it is like the tube is not even there and it is messing with her middle ear pressure.  So all this explains why she has been having trouble eating her bottles and sleeping.  It is good to have a reason for her discomfort but this was not good news. 

The doctor said he used the tubes he did because he knew Camdyn had a lot of gunk in her ears and these tubes very rarely get clogged.  But guess Cam's didn't want to go with the norm and clogged anyway. 

So he told us to do a high dose of ear drops through this week and hope that the ear drops can wash/push out everything the is in her ears.  If that doesn't happen she will have to have another surgery to put different tubes in. 

We are staying super positive and hoping the ear drops work their magic and she doesn't have to get a surgery again.  I know it is supposedly a "simple sugery" but I do not like putting her under the anesthsia at all!!

Keep sending good thoughts Camdyns way!!  Her appointment is on Friday afternoon, so hopefully it will be good news to start off our weekend :)

Cam wearing her swim cap in the tub to protect her ears from all the splashing she & Tatum do!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gramma's In Town

We had so much fun with Gramma being in town and staying at our house this past week.  We got to do all sorts of fun things!! 

We went bike rides/walks and played at the park. 
On the Slide.

Such a fun bike ride.

Tatum LOVES to slide.

Tatum and Gramma getting ready to head home.

We got to go swimming over at Gramma and Grampas house this weekend.  Camdyn didn't like swimming the first day we went but she loved it the second day.  Tatum had a great time of course.  She got to practice blowing bubbles, putting her head in the water, kicking, and even jumping into the pool!!

Tatum splashing around.

Love Tatums smile!!

Gramma and her girls.

Such a cutie

Having fun in the sun.

Tatum practicing her jumps

Camdyn fell asleep in a little ball.

Going under the waterfall

We got to do some shopping.

We of course watched the PACKERS WIN!!!!

We supported our ASU Sun Devils on Black Out Day!!

We had a super fun morning at the zoo.

And we spent this morning at the Park, enjoying the beautiful weather. 

We had to take Gramma to the airport this morning and we miss her already.  She did so much for this week and we love her so very much!!
But in just a few minutes we are heading to go pick up Daddy at the aiport and we are all SOOOO EXCITED!!!!!  His 3 girls missed him like crazy and can't wait to see him!!