Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sitting up and using the potty :)

Both of our girls are growing leaps and bounds and doing such great things!! 

Tatum is now in her 3rd week of wearing big girl panties during the day.  She is doing amazing in them and has only had one accident at school and it was a nap time accident, so I would say that is pretty darn great.  Her teachers at school told me she was ready to do it and because her very best friend is in panties to it helped her a lot.  I am so thankful for her teachers, they really are amazing!!  She is starting to go by herself whenever she needs to, but still likes to have company sometimes.  We are so proud of her and how great she is doing!!

This is the very first time Tatum sat on her potty -
back in March 2010. 
Finally she is using the potty all the time!!

Camdyn has mastered the art of rolling over.  That girl won't stay still if you put her down.  She is awesome at rolling back to tummy!!  Tummy to back is a little harder for her but she does that every once in a while.  And just yesterday she started sitting up all by herself.  We are so very proud of Camdyn, this is a big milestone for her. 
Camdyn sitting all on her own!! 7/16/11

Tatum wanted to show that she can sit up by herself too :)

1 comment:

  1. Tatum wouldn't be wearing panties long if I got her alone I love taking off toddlers panties and getting my fingers in their tight little p---y
